All copyrights and trademarks for material included in MacDoom Review belong to their respective authors and owners. Use of a term in this publication should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. GT Interactive Software, id Software, Lion Entertainment, and Presage Software in no way endorse or support this publication or its contents. This publication may not be sold for profit. It may be redistributed provided no fee is charged for content (reasonable download or media fees excepted). It may be included on a CD-ROM collection, BUT ONLY WITH PERMISSION. Welcome aboard to David Spencer. And a special thanks to Jason Carter, Rob Berkowitz, and Ken Mahood for being there when I needed you! "Bum" sound from Invasion WAD. MacDoom Review logo and arrow rendered in Ray Dream Designer 3. Game graphics by id Software, extracted using WinTex (and ResEdit, in a few cases), with drop shadows and other effects added in Adobe Photoshop 3.0 with Alien Skin Software's Black Box.